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Doulagivers Forgiveness Workshop 

Join Suzanne B. O'Brien RN
On your journey to forgiveness

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Forgiveness is Your Secret Key to an 

Extraordinary Life

Forgiveness is for your own growth and happiness.
When you hold on to hurt, pain, resentment, and anger it harms you far more
than it harms the offender.
Forgiveness frees you to live in the present.
Forgiveness allows you to move on without anger or contempt or seeking revenge.
Unforgiveness has such an impact on your physical body. 
Unforgiveness can create several ways that you are not in your highest alignment and power. 
You can behave in ways that are unhealthy due to your unforgiveness. 
 You can take your anger out on others when they did not do anything to you.
You can store painful experiences way down deep in your body. 

Forgiving others or yourself can be very hard



  • Are you reliving past hurts? 

  • Do you hold resentment towards others who you feel have wronged you?

  • Is unforgiveness affecting your current decisions?

  • Do you feel disconnected or lonely?

  • Do you feel “heavy, anxious or even depressed?”

  • Are you still beating yourself up for things you’ve done wrong in the past?

  • Have you fallen into unhealthy or self-sabotaging habits?


Forgiveness will set you free!



It takes courage to become vulnerable. 



Forgiveness is the ONLY TRUE way to remove the energy that is blocking you from having an incredible life.



Forgiveness is freeing and beautiful.

I loved this course, it really made me reflect on myself and work through difficult periods of my life and learn how to forgive myself and others to be able to walk through life with a loving and grateful heart.

-Teneil Fogg



Waking up and feeling light and full of love again! 

Feeling an Inner peace throughout each day 

No longer feeling pain and suffering from past experiences 

Feeling reconnected to yourself and to others on a deeper level 

Being able to reach your dreams and goals now that energetic blocks have been cleared

Not only am I learning, I am growing as well. Things are taught that affect
every aspect of life.
Just an amazing experience and I am honored to be a part of this journey.

-Marjorie Kendall


The Time is NOW...  



It is time to forgive



It is time to find inner peace



It is time to step into the life you were meant to have


This is why I created the
Doulagivers Forgiveness Workshop


What if People who hurt us most and our most painful experiences
turned out to be our greatest teachers?


What if all the pain and hurt allowed us to experience the contrast that will bring us to our highest state of being and consciousness?

Meet Suzanne

Your Forgiveness Guide


My name is Suzanne B. O’Brien, and I am a registered nurse who has worked most of my career in either Hospice (end-of-life care) and/or Oncology (cancer care).


I have had the honor and privilege to have personally worked at the bedside with over one thousand end-of-life patients and their families, from all different cultures, backgrounds, and nationalities.


In addition to being the creator and founder of Doulagivers Institute, I am also a founding member of the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization’s (NHPCO) End of Life Doula Council, and a founding member and former Vice President of the National End of Life Doula Alliance (NEDA).


The minute I started working with those at the end of life, I noticed the transformative power FORGIVENESS had in supporting people to have a peaceful end of life. When people got to the place of looking at their lives and forgiving others and themselves, it was like an energetic shift occurred and created the most beautiful end of life experiences I have ever seen.


I'm here to tell you - DON’T WAIT!!! You can use the power of forgiveness right now, today to make your life the loving, connected journey it was meant to be.


Not only will I share with you the invaluable lessons and tools I have learned about forgiveness from those at the end of life, I will share with you about using forgiveness in my own life and how it was a defining moment in my own life that allowed me to release invisible chains that were keeping me stuck and in pain. 


When I was able to successfully let go, my life opened up in ways I could have never imagined! It has allowed me to create a life full of love, connection and service. This would not have happened without the freeing power of forgiveness.


I'M ON A MISSION TO SHARE THESE LESSONS WITH YOU…so that you can make this one incredible life the most beautiful experience it can possibly be. YOU deserve that!

Introducing the...

Doulagivers Forgiveness

In this Workshop, you will learn:

What is Forgiveness

Why is Forgiveness Important

The Nine Steps to Forgiveness

The Key to Unlocking Your Future



See what Sherrie has to say:


You Will Receive:

4 One-Hour Modules


Experiential and Written Exercises


Videos from Forgiveness Heroes


Healing & Closure 


A Lesson on How to Set Your Future Intention

Buy Today to

Receive these Bonuses



Forgiveness Checklist

It is amazing how the mind can forget past experiences in order to survive. The mind may forget, but the body always remembers. The Forgiveness checklist will take you on a non judgmental and loving chronological journey and life review to be able to identify areas of your life or past experiences that are preventing forgiveness from taking place. This will help clear the path moving forward and allow the future to be created in divine alignment with your heart and purpose.

$67 Value

Self Forgiveness Meditation

There are two main types of forgiveness: Forgiveness of others and forgiveness of self. Forgiveness of self is by far the hardest to accomplish. In this meditation, Suzanne B. O’Brien RN will take you through a powerful and empowering technique to turn inner guilt and shame into understanding and empathy.

$47 Value

Forgiveness Measuring Metric Tool 

How do I know if I have successfully forgiven? This is a big question that many ask. Doulagivers has created a systematic Forgiveness Measuring Metric Tool for you to use with any forgiveness process you are working on. This will allow you to assess where you are in the forgiveness process & if there is more forgiveness to give, or if you have successfully completed that particular forgiveness journey.

$97 Value


The work of forgiveness is not as hard as you think and the payoff is priceless.

~ Suzanne B. O’Brien RN 



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What our 5-Star Reviews are saying:

This course really encouraged me to dig deep and take a hard look at my self, my life, and how I choose to proceed. I have done A LOT of traditional western therapy over the years yet, this is the first time I have done forgiveness work such as in this course! -Liv

What an amazing workshop to be able to do! It showed me how forgiving others and being forgiven by others will allow us to move forward in life with a clear heart and open mind. Just an amazing course to work through. -Shelley

I have done much work in the area of forgiveness. Yours was such a powerful presentation. Worth $1000 BY ITSELF. Wisdom is wisdom, from wherever we receive it. Well done. -Christine

Frequently Asked Questions

Before You Go

I've held the hands of many people at the end of their life journey. I've watched them express resentment, sadness and pain over harboring unforgiveness in their hearts.

So many of them were able to find forgiveness for themselves and for others at their very end of life. And it was true freedom for them. They were able to end this chapter with complete peace.

I not only want the same for you. I want to aid in you finding this peace and forgiveness now.

Don't wait until the end to find your forgiveness!

I want you to have more time in this life to experience joy, lightness, and love.

It’s a better way to live.

If you feel ready to take action towards making that dream a reality for yourself – take this journey with us at Doulagivers.