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The Doulagivers Confident Caregiver Course

Master the End of Life Journey for Those You Love

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The Purpose of This Course:


We all know that a guaranteed part of life is the end of it, but most people aren’t adequately prepared for this natural phase of life. 

Over the last century, we have outsourced and medicalized the dying process to the point that we don’t even think about death until it is right at our doorstep. 

The ‘treating death as if it is optional’ approach to this natural and guaranteed part of life is making it a thousand times harder than it needs to be for most people.

This leads to heartbreaking and traumatic experiences for all involved. 

Losing someone we love will always be hard, but it does not have to be traumatic - and it shouldn’t be.  

The level of knowledge and skills a caregiver has can be the difference between facilitating a positive end of life experience defined by peace, love, comfort and dignity… or one that causes us heartache for years to come.

The end of life will be a part of every one of our journeys with 100% certainty. If it does not go well - we remember that forever. If it does go well, we remember that forever too.

Everyone needs proper guidance when they’re unfamiliar with a subject.

Death is no different. 

What I have learned over several decades of working directly at the bedside of over one thousand end of life patients is that we have to do a better job of educating and supporting family caregivers.

The Doulagivers Confident Caregiver Course is a condensed version of our award-winning and world-renowned Doulagivers Certified End of Life Doula Program designed specifically for family caregivers of end of life patients. 

The purpose of this course is to provide a thorough and comprehensive educational experience that empowers you to help someone you love have a “good death” - physically, mentally, emotionally, financially, and spiritually.

By taking this course, you will learn everything you need to know to effectively care for someone who is dying. 

The Doulagivers Confident Caregiver Course is both a pragmatic and heartfelt solution to the global end of life care crisis. 

It's not just about learning how to perform hands-on care; it's about learning how to connect, understand, and navigate this profound journey with grace and strength.

Learn These Skills and Be The Change!

The need for this education has never been greater and will continue to grow as we face an aging population and ailing healthcare system.

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Did You Know That

89% of family caregivers are related to the person they care for by either blood or marriage.

Evidence shows that most of these caregivers are ill-prepared and provide care with little to no assistance.

Over 75% of family caregivers are women.

Most family caregivers who support a senior will also be the primary caregiver for that person during the end of life.

An average of 2.5 to 3 million people experience the end of life each year in the United States, 75% of which are expected, rather than sudden.

The average age of a family caregiver for someone at the end of life is 50.1 years old.

When polled, 9 out of 10 people said that if terminally ill, they would want to be cared for at home.

Roughly half are dying in the hospital or another type of residential care facility because most people don’t know the first thing about caring for someone at the end of life.

According to a recent Medicare study, a hospice worker is only in the home of a dying patient for an average of 30 minutes a day.

Thirty minutes equates to 2% of a day, which means that 98% of the hands-on care falls on the immediate family of the patient during the end of life.

About 40 million Americans provide unpaid care to adults aged 65 or older.

By 2030, 1 in 5 Americans (20% of the nation’s population) will be 65 years or older, which means more and more people will be taking on caregiver responsibilities in the near future.

The Answer

Understanding the root cause of the problem makes the solution clear: 

We have to put the proper education in the hands of the people who are actually providing the care for those at the end of life. 

That means YOU!  

Doulagivers Institute has created the Confident Caregiver Course to Advocate, Educate and Empower family caregivers to handle their role and responsibilities during the end of life journey with confidence and clarity. 

Being an end of life caregiver is both a demanding and rewarding experience, but it is only through having the right education and support that it can go well.

By taking the initiative to learn these skills, you can ensure positive end of life experiences for your loved ones and become part of a movement to enhance and expand quality end of life care for all people.

What You Get 

The Doulagivers Confident Caregiver Course is a complete end of life training program for family caregivers that gives you everything you need to master the end of life journey for those you love. The course is broken into three parts (Before, During, and After) and contains 29 total lessons.


 A large part of achieving a positive end of life is by adequately planning ahead. Part 1 of the Doulagivers Confident Caregiver Course covers the complete list of choices that are the key to a “good death”, as well as important end-of-life terminology, and myths and facts about advance directives.

Part 1 at a glance:

  • Lesson 1: Determining What Quality of Life Means to You 
  • Lesson 2: Choosing How You Want to be Cared For 
  • Lesson 3: Selecting a Healthcare Proxy 
  • Lesson 4: What Do You Want Your Family/Loved Ones to Know? 
  • Lesson 5: Choices for a Sacred Vigil Period 
  • Lesson 6: Choices for Handling Time of Death 
  • Lesson 7: Choosing Where to be Laid to Rest 
  • Lesson 8: Choices for Life Celebrations/Memorials
  • Lesson 9: Ongoing Honoring 
  • Lesson 10: Important End-of-Life Terminology 
  • Lesson 11: Myths and Facts About Advance Directives


Part 2 of the Doulagivers Confident Caregiver Course focuses on practical caregiving during an active end of life journey. In this section you will learn about the three phases of end of life, interventions to use in each phase, the hospice comfort kit, pain management essentials, and medication administration.

Part 2 at a glance:

  • Lesson 1: The Shock Phase 
  • Lesson 2: The Stabilization Phase 
  • Lesson 3: The Transition Phase 
  • Lesson 4: Indications That Someone is Entering the Transition Phase 
  • Lesson 5: Actively Dying 
  • Lesson 6: How to Set a Sacred Space 
  • Lesson 7: The Hospice Comfort Kit 
  • Lesson 8: Pain Management 
  • Lesson 9: Medication Administration


Part 3 of the Doulagivers Confident Caregiver Course covers everything you need to know for after the death of your loved one occurs. This section of the course will teach you what to do at the time of death, how to construct an after death plan, and all body disposition options available as well as their associated costs and environmental impacts.

  • Lesson 1: Time of Death
  • Lesson 2: After Death Plan
  • Lesson 3: Body Disposition 
  • Lesson 4: Standard Funerals 
  • Lesson 5: Fire Cremations
  • Lesson 6: Green/Natural Burials
  • Lesson 7: Water Cremations
  • Lesson 8: Human Composting
  • Lesson 9: Body Donation

The Doulagivers Confident Caregiver Course is delivered through easily digestible lessons in each category and includes guidebooks, trackers, worksheets, study guides, exercises, and self assessments for you to track your learning progress. There are also real life case studies from my former patients to help you apply and retain your practical caregiving knowledge. 

You will also have access to a private Facebook community where you can ask questions and take part in live community workshops and events! 

In addition to the three main sections, there is a resource section containing 13 extra educational lessons that cover everything from the top ten end of life disease processes (including their unique progression and symptom management needs), to legacy projects, how to heal grief, and so much more!


Top Ten End of Life Disease Processes, After Death Body Care Basics 101, How to Talk With Children About Death, Grief Your Way, Life Celebrations, Legacy Projects, When Science Meets the Bedside, End of Life Supply List, The 9 Choices Document, Understanding Medical Aid in Dying (M.A.I.D.), How to Donate Your Body Webinar, Wills & Trusts 101, and Your Financial End of Life Checklist.



A Fast-Track Version of the Doulagivers Confident Caregiver Course to use if you’re in an active end of life situation - learn the essentials in 6 hours or less!

Also included with the course are Practical Caregiving Tutorials that will show you how to properly move and position patients for optimal comfort and care.

You Will Learn

  • The Doulagivers Three Phases of End of Life Model of Care that I have developed over several decades of firsthand experience. 
  • A detailed rundown of the legal papers that need to be written and how to secure your loved one’s wishes (and your own!)
  • The different types of ceremonies and disposition options for the body that are available today and their associated costs/environmental impacts. 
  • How to achieve peace of mind physically, mentally, emotionally, financially, and spiritually while caring for someone at the end of life.
  • Why death is a sacred experience and should be treated as such. 

This course includes everything you need to create the kind of end of life experience we all wish for ourselves and those we love.

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Meet Suzanne B. O’Brien RN

Suzanne B. O’Brien RN is the Creator & Founder of Doulagivers Institute. Her life’s mission is to increase access to high quality end of life education and care for patients and families throughout the world. She has developed free resources and paid trainings for family caregivers and end of life practitioners from her firsthand experience as a hospice and oncology nurse and palliative care professional working directly at the bedside of more than 1,000 end of life patients.

Suzanne formed Doulagivers Institute in 2012 after she was moved to action by what she witnessed in the homes of her dying patients—both the beautiful, empowering deaths that she feels every person has a right to experience and the heartbreaking, traumatic ones that are the reality for far too many. Improving end of life outcomes for all members of the community through education and advocacy, as well as increasing satisfaction with the home hospice care experience, is the ultimate goal of Doulagivers Institute.

Suzanne has been awarded “Worldwide Leader in Healthcare” by the International Nurses Association for creating Doulagivers Institute and was named Humanitarian Ambassador for Oprah Magazine in 2019 for her work to bring peace and comfort to those facing the end of life around the world. She is also a founding member of the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization’s End of Life Doula Council and a founding member and Former VP of the National End of Life Doula Alliance.

 "If Death could hire a PR agent, he would do well to choose Suzanne B. O’Brien RN." 


The Chronogram Magazine


Suzanne O' Brien RN has also been featured in:

Filling the Hospice Gap 

The Hospice “Gap” refers to the deficiencies that exist in the mainstream end of life care industry that are hurting people at the most vulnerable time in their lives.

  • There are gaps in care in the present hospice model. 
  • There is a gap between the time required at the bedside by patients and families and what can be fulfilled by overtaxed hospice workers.
  • There is a gap in family caregiver education. 
  • There is a major gap between the type of end-of-life experience most people want for themselves and those they love and what is actually being provided by the current system we have. 

When death touches our lives, we look to the mainstream end of life care system to provide the bulk of support… but the reality is that most of the responsibility for providing care will fall on you. 

This harsh reality usually comes to light too late in the process - when your loved one is admitted to hospice care and you are already in the midst of an active end of life journey. 

Oftentimes this leads to difficult end of life situations that can be traumatic and a source of complicated grief for family caregivers.

Getting the proper education, skills, and resources into the hands of the people who provide the backbone of the end of life care industry is the key to creating more positive end of life experiences for all people everywhere in the world. 

This course will give you confidence in your end of life caregiving abilities so that you can navigate the end of life journey for someone you love and know exactly what to do when the time comes so that hospice can support you in managing your loved one’s care in an advisory role - the way it is designed to work! 

Take This Course to Help Fill the Hospice Gap Now! 

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Why You Should Learn This

When it comes to the end of life, it’s not a matter of if, but when.

The problem is that the end of life care system relies heavily on unpaid caregivers to provide support to those at the end of life, but most people who tend to their loved ones during the dying process have no clue what to do.

How can we possibly expect a good outcome when we’re asking people with no background or prior experience to care for someone at the end of life?

We have to do a better job of educating family caregivers.

Whether you have aging parents, a spouse, or other family members you expect to care for… 

Or if you want these skills so that you can assist friends and volunteer within your community when the time comes… 

Even if you feel confident in your caregiving abilities already and just feel like you would benefit from additional training and having something to review and reference when you need it… 


This is the program for you! 


The Doulagivers Confident Caregiver Course is the most comprehensive program available for personal end of life care education.

The truth is that death is not a medical experience - it is a human one.

And the reality is that whether or not YOU are capable of stepping in to help can completely change the outcome of an end of life journey for better or worse.

Remember that 98% of hands-on care for someone at the end of life falls on unpaid family caregivers. 

Having the knowledge, skillset, and know-how to effectively provide care and guide someone through their greatest time of need will provide value to so many people over the course of your life.  


Ask yourself honestly: “Am I likely going to need this knowledge in the future?” 


If the answer is yes - DON’T WAIT! 


Learn these skills NOW so that you have them and are confident in your caregiving ability when you need them. 

Don’t wait until you’re in a crisis situation - make the decision to become a Confident Caregiver today!

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The Doulagivers 3 Phases of End of Life  

You will learn the 3 Phases of End of Life Model of Care that we teach in our professional certification programs at Doulagivers Institute, as well as interventions to provide comfort and support to the patient and other loved ones during each phase.  

Contained in this course are the same skills and methods I’ve used with my patients for over two decades. Now I’m sharing them with you… and together we can change end of life care for the better.

The Shock Phase

The Shock Phase is when someone initially receives a terminal diagnosis. Oftentimes there is an overwhelming feeling of shock for both patients and their loved ones. This shock can present itself in many ways, such as depression, denial, anger and withdrawal just to name a few. It is vital to know how to support a loved one at this very emotional and tender time. 

Learn what the Shock Phase is, why it’s important, and what you can do to support your loved one in this phase. 

The Stabilization Phase

 The Stabilization phase is the phase of end-of-life where wonderful work can be done. It is hopefully a time when the patient’s pain is under control, and all acute issues identified in the Shock Phase have been fully addressed - leading to the highest quality of daily living for both the patient and family. When things are stable, meaningful conversations can be had, goodbyes can be said, and unresolved issues can be addressed.

Learn what the Stabilization Phase is, why it’s important, and what you can do to support your loved one in this phase.

The Transition Phase

The Transition Phase is the time right before a person dies. It is the “transition” from this world to the next. This period can last anywhere from hours to days and is often the most intense period of care for caregivers. Understanding the physiology of death, the systematic way the body shuts down, the indications that someone is entering the transition phase, as well as the interventions you can use to provide comfort during each part of this phase can dramatically benefit your loved ones' end of life journey. 

Learn what the Transition Phase is, why it’s important, and what you can do to support your loved one in this phase.

How It Works

All of us will be called to care for someone we love at the end of life one day. Knowing how to do that confidently changes everything!

There are 3 Simple Steps to Becoming a Confident Caregiver

Step 1: Realize that 80-90% of a positive end of life experience is planning ahead. Understand that you’re going to need these skills some day and take action to learn them now… before you ever need them. 

Step 2: Enroll in the Doulagivers Confident Caregiver Course to learn the skills of how to care for someone who is dying and empower yourself with the knowledge you need to do this effectively.

Step 3: Follow the lessons, utilize the resources, complete the course and become a Confident Caregiver TODAY! 

Learning the skills and information needed to ensure a positive end of life experience for your loved ones has never been easier!

This course will not only teach you how to properly care for someone who is dying, but will also help heal your personal relationship with death, show you how to begin preparing for your own, AND help you save thousands of dollars in the process by knowing your options and helping you make informed, subjective decisions! 

This course has all the essential information from our professional Doulagivers training, but it is designed for your personal use. 

That means… 

….No final exam.

….No mandatory bedside hours. 

….No certification requirements.


This is for YOU and those you LOVE.  

Be prepared to help your loved ones have the most positive end-of-life experience possible by becoming a Doulagivers Confident Caregiver today!

Enroll Now!

Get These Great Bonuses When You Enroll!


The goal of this tracker is to help you create tight symptom management for your dying loved one to provide the highest quality of daily living every single day (this is the ultimate goal of great end of life care!) This End of Life Symptom Management Comfort Tracker allows you to identify potential issues in the 5 main categories that as a hospice nurse I identified for family caregivers to assess every day when caring for their loved one. When these 5 categories are properly monitored, it ensures that any issues are identified and addressed in a timely manner so that your loved one can experience their end of life journey with comfort and dignity.


 End of life care cannot and should not ever be done by one person. Allowing the main caregiver to spend some of this last precious time with their loved one is vital and taking some of the weight off of their shoulders is one of the greatest gifts we can provide to them during this time. The Doulagivers Support System Scheduler will allow you to easily “plug in” daily respite care support and overnight support care. We know that we have an end of life journey - we just don’t know how long that journey is going to last. Preparing for the long haul by having a plan for rotating care is paramount. Use the Doulagivers Support System Scheduler to easily accomplish this need and avoid the detrimental impact of Caregiver Syndrome on the end of life journey. 


 At Doulagivers Institute, we are acutely aware of how the fear of death is preventing people from having meaningful conversations with their loved ones about their wishes at the end of life (even when its not about them!) In this bonus-only training, you will learn how to start this incredibly important conversation with those you love, creating a “safe space” for all to be in and discuss what you would and would not want at the end of life so that your wishes can be known and upheld - one of the greatest gifts you could ever give to your loved ones.


Knowing what your parents/loved ones want at the end of life will create a level of peace that is invaluable to you as their caregiver. In this training, we will give you the tools to approach this subject with those you love from an empowered, supportive, and caring place. We understand the sensitivity around asking someone to think about their own mortality and we also know the level of increased confusion and stress that falls on the caregiver when they do not know what a loved one wants and it is up to them to try and figure it all out. This bonus-only training will show you how to initiate that necessary conversation.


There is an increased rise in people suffering from Dementia and Alzheimers and the devastating effects that has on their caregivers physically, emotionally and financially. It is probably the most intense disease process from a caregiver’s standpoint. People are starting to become aware of the fact that they have choices they can make prior to reaching that advanced state of mental deterioration. In the Dementia/Alzheimers Advance Directive, you can make the choice NOW for what you would want or not want if you were to suffer from Dementia or Alzheimers. The Doulagivers V.S.E.D. (Voluntarily Stopping Eating and Drinking) Webinar & Checklist will teach you how this viable and gentle option works, and what you need to know to have or support a positive V.S.E.D. experience.


Incredible Value

I want to make learning these skills as easy and affordable as possible so that your decision is an easy one to make. 

The true value of this program with all of the materials I am including is incalculable because of the type of value it will bring to your life and to all of the people’s lives you will be able to make a difference in after receiving this information. The Doulagivers Confident Caregiver Course is a repeatable and reliable program that you can use with your loved ones over and over again.


The education contained in the Doulagivers Confident Caregiver course is worth thousands of dollars, but I chose to price it at less than one thousand.


To make it easy for you to say YES! to this program and to make these skills affordable and accessible to everyone. 

To make it even easier, right now you can buy the Doulagivers Confident Caregiver Course for 50% OFF standard pricing! 

There is even a low-cost payment plan available at this discounted price.

I’m offering this special discount for a limited time because the program can have the biggest benefit for you and your loved ones if you take the initiative to learn these skills BEFORE you need them!  

But act quickly - it won’t be available for long! 


Low Monthly


3 Payments of




SAVE $94.00!

SAVE $94.00!

Best Value


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What People Say About the Course 





Frequently Asked Questions

Don’t wait until you’re in a crisis to learn this!

Although we’ve included a fast-track version of the program to teach you the essentials in 6 hours or less, we highly encourage you to learn these skills BEFORE you actively need them. 

Oftentimes we wait until we are in a crisis situation to start making a plan for how to handle the end of life journey for a loved one - this is usually too late. 

You know you will need these skills someday - be proactive and learn them now! Remember that 80% to 90% of a positive end of life is adequately planning ahead no matter what the disease process is.

Being prepared ahead of time can make all the difference in the world. 

If you don’t learn how to be a confident caregiver, you will be at the mercy of a failing system and be vulnerable to enduring the unnecessary pain and suffering that tends to come with that approach to end of life care.

Try it risk free for 7 days!

Doulagivers Institute always strives to create the highest level of education possible and we stand by our products 100%. There is a full 7 day money-back guarantee on this course so that you can buy with confidence.

If you’re not happy, neither are we!

Lifetime Access

You will have lifetime access to this course to review and refresh anytime you need it in the future. Buy it once and have it forever! Repeat as many times as you want.

Free Upgrades 

All future upgrades of the course will be available for you for free.

Limited Time Discount

You can enroll in the Doulagivers Confident Caregiver Course today for 50% OFF regular pricing, but this special discount is only available for a limited time!

Become Part of a Global Movement! 

Doulagivers Institute has trained over 256,000 people in 36 countries with our Free Level 1 Family Caregiver Training.

This alone has created so much good for the world, but now we’re taking it a step further with The Doulagivers Confident Caregiver Course. 

This is truly the most comprehensive program available for the personal use of family caregivers. 

By learning these skills, you will be joining a global movement of heart-centered and forward-thinking individuals who are on a mission to expand and enhance quality end of life care for all people everywhere in the world! 

Are you ready to become a Doulagivers Confident Caregiver today?

“Death can be the natural, sacred, and beautiful experience it was meant to be if we have the right education and know how to properly care for and support  someone at the end of life.” 
- Suzanne B. O’Brien RN

A Final Word

In the last precious phase of life, our loved ones deserve nothing but the best care and comfort we can provide. They have filled our lives with love, wisdom, and countless memories and it is at this crucial time that we have the opportunity to reciprocate that love in their greatest time of need.

However, as much as we want to help, the reality is that end-of-life caregiving can be overwhelming and emotionally draining. It's not just about providing physical care; it's also about understanding emotional and spiritual needs, navigating complex medical decisions, and dealing with our own feelings and emotions.


The Doulagivers Confident Caregiver Course is designed to empower you with the knowledge and confidence you need to handle these challenges with understanding and strength. 


In order to facilitate a peaceful transition for someone we love, we must be empowered to make sense of death and understand exactly what to do when faced with it. Only with the right education, compassion, and support can we make the end of life better for everyone. 


That’s exactly what this course will do for you.


By taking the time to learn the skills and knowledge needed to provide quality end-of-life care, you're not just preparing yourself for the practical aspects of caregiving. You're also equipping yourself with the emotional resilience and understanding needed to journey alongside your loved ones in a way that respects their dignity, honors their life, and provides them with the highest level of comfort and peace. 

Remember, it's not just about the end of life itself - it's about making every remaining moment count. Nothing can be more rewarding than knowing you've done everything you could to make your loved one's final days as comfortable and meaningful as possible.

Death is a guaranteed part of all of our lives. This program will completely change the end of life journey for you and those you care about at a time when it is not going well for most people. 


This one small choice on your part will make a massive difference in your life and the lives of so many others. 


After completing this course you will be able to approach an end-of-life situation with confidence and grace. 

You will be able to embrace this natural, and sacred part of life’s journey and understand that it can go well - really well - if we’re prepared for it.

Making the decision to become a confident caregiver today will equip you with the tools and knowledge you need to offer tremendous support to anyone navigating an end-of-life journey for the rest of your life.

That is truly priceless. 


Enroll Now in the Doulagivers Confident Caregiver Course and Master the End of Life Journey for Those You Love.

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